Opgøret er en roman fra 1978 skrevet af Stephen King. Romanen udkom på dansk i 1989, den danske udgave er også tidligere udgivet i 3 bind under titlen: Slutspil

Pigen der elskede Tom Gordon er en roman fra 1999 af den amerikanske forfatter Stephen King. Romanen handler om den niårige pige, Trisha McFarland, der i forbindelse med en tur i skoven sammen med sin mor og storebror, Pete, farer vild, da hun går afsides for at tisse. Hun vil ikke gå i panik og forsøger at undgå at …

Prime Evil is an anthology of horror short stories edited by Douglas E. Winter. It was first published in 1988 by New American Library. With the exception of the Dennis Etchison story, "The Blood Kiss", the stories are original to this anthology.

The next call you take could be your last in this terrifying #1 New York Times bestseller by Stephen King.WHERE WERE YOU ON OCTOBER 1ST AT 3:03 P.M.? Graphic artist Clay Riddell was in the heart of Boston on that brilliant autumn afternoon when hell was unleashed before his eyes. Without warning, carnage and chaos …