Full Dark, No Stars, published in November 2010, is a collection of four novellas by the author Stephen King, all dealing with the theme of retribution. One of the novellas, 1922, is set in Hemingford Home, Nebraska: home of Mother Abagail from King's epic novel The Stand, the town adult Ben Hanscom moves to in It, as …
Fugarul este un roman science fiction scris de Stephen King și publicat pentru prima dată sub pseudonimul Richard Bachman. În 1985, cartea a apărut în ediția omnibus The Bachman Books. Romanul conține 101 capitole, ale căror titluri prezintă o numărătoare inversă. Primul este intitulat „...100 și numărătoarea inversă …
From a Buick 8 is a novel by Stephen King. Published on September 24, 2002, this is the second novel by Stephen King to feature a supernatural car. According to the book sleeve: "From a Buick 8 is a novel about our fascination with deadly things, about our insistence on answers when there are none, about terror and …
In The Sun Dog, the concluding novella in Stephen King's best-selling Four Past Midnight, the source of terror is a simple Polaroid camera owned by a 15-year-old boy in the small town of Castle Rock, Maine. No matter where Kevin Delevan aims the camera, it produces a photograph of an enormous, ugly, vicious looking …