The second of a four-part audio series from Stephen King’s bestselling book, Four Past Midnight. Recently divorced writer Mort Rainey is alone at Tashmore Lakethat is, until a figure named John Shooter arrives, pointing an accusing finger.
Širdys Atlantidoje – Stephen'o King'o romanas, išleistas 1999 m. Jį sudaro 4 istorijos, nutikusios skirtingais metais, tačiau vienijamos kai kurių veikėjų bei to, kaip žmonių likimus įtakojo septintojo dešimtmečio „Vietnamo karas“: „Žemieji žmonės geltonais lietpalčiais“, „Širdys Atlantidoje“, „Neregys Vilis“, „Vardan …
Skeleton Crew is the second collection of short fiction by Stephen King, published by Putnam in June 1985. A limited edition of a thousand copies was published by Scream/Press in October 1985, illustrated by J. K. Potter, containing an additional short story, "The Revelations of 'Becka Paulson," which had originally …