Lisey's Story is a novel by Stephen King that combines the elements of psychological horror and romance. It was released on October 24, 2006, and was nominated for the World Fantasy Award in 2007. An early excerpt from the novel, "Lisey and the Madman", was published in McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing …

Thinner is a 1984 novel by Stephen King, published under his pseudonym, Richard Bachman. It is about a man cursed by a gypsy to grow progressively thinner. It would be the last novel which King released under the Richard Bachman pseudonym until the release of The Regulators in 1996, and the last released prior to …

Jocul lui Gerald este un roman de groază-psihologic de Stephen King publicat inițial de editura Viking în 1992.

Skeleton Crew este o colecție de povestiri de Stephen King, fiind considerată a doua colecție de povestiri a lui Stephen King. Prima colecție, Night Shift, a fost publicată cu șapte ani înainte, în 1978. Anotimpuri diferite, o colecție de patru nuvele, a fost publicată înaintea colecției Skeleton Crew cu trei ani, în …

Hearts in Atlantis is a collection of two novellas and three short stories by Stephen King, all connected to one another by recurring characters and taking place in roughly chronological order. The stories are about the baby boomer generation, specifically King's view that this generation failed to live up to its …

Everything's Eventual is a collection of 14 short stories written by Stephen King and published in 2002.

Duma Key is a novel by American novelist Stephen King published on January 22, 2008 by Scribner. The book reached #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List. It is King's first novel to be set in Florida or Minnesota. The dust jacket features holographic lettering.

Firestarter este un roman de Stephen King publicat inițial de editura Viking în 1980. A fost nominalizat la British Fantasy Award în 1981.