Insomnia is a novel written by Stephen King and first published in 1994. Like It and Dreamcatcher, its setting is the fictional town of Derry, Maine. The original hardcover edition was issued with dust jackets in two complementary designs. The first is pictured on the right; the second has the white and red colors …

Roland's pursuit of the elusive Man in Black across the endless Mohaine desert becomes even more treacherous when he is attacked by a ravenous pack of desert dogs and vampiric dust devils when he is at his weakest! It's a new chapter in the life of the last gunslinger of Gilead as he struggles to remain alive and …

Staden som försvann är en roman av Stephen King från 1975. Det är en närmast stilbildande skräckberättelse med vampyrtema som utspelar sig i den fiktiva småstaden Jerusalem's Lot i New England. Socialrealismen parad med de gotiska övertonerna kan minna om, eller kanske ha inspirerat till, John Ajvide Lindqvists roman …