Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse este o antologie de ficțiune post-apocaliptică publicată de Night Shade Books în ianuarie 2008, editată de John Joseph Adams. Antologia include 22 de povestiri, plus o introducere a editorului. Potrivit site-ului oficial al antologiei, „Wastelands explorează întrebări științifice, …

FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. The survivors of a plane crash awake in a nightmare, a writer finds himself at the end of an accusing finger, a businessman struggles to uncover the evil driving him mad, and a ravenous dog inhabits a camera, in a horror quartet.

Enter once more the world of Roland Deschain—and the world of the Dark Tower...now presented in a stunning graphic novel form that will unlock the doorways to terrifying secrets and bold storytelling as part of the dark fantasy masterwork and magnum opus from #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King.“The man …

Cadavrul este o povestire de Stephen King. Este inclusă în colecția Anotimpuri diferite, a doua colecție de povestiri a lui King.

An Amazon Best Book of the Month, September 2013: What ever happened to Danny Torrance? For the 36 years since The Shining was first published, the answer has been left to our imaginations. Finally we catch up with Dan as his creator envisions him: a flawed middle-aged man with a tragic past -- his special gift, …