In this gripping page-turner, an ex-agent on the run from her former employers must take one more case to clear her name and save her life. She used to work for the U.S. government, but very few people ever knew that. An expert in her field, she was one of the darkest secrets of an agency so clandestine it doesn't …
Twilight tempted the imagination ...New Moon made readers thirsty for more ...Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon ...And now the book that everyone has been waiting for ...Breaking Dawn. In the much anticipated fourth book in Stephenie Meyer's love story, questions will be answered and the fate of …
In this exciting collection of paranormal tales, best-selling authors Stephenie Meyer (Twilight), Kim Harrison (Once Dead, Twice Shy), Meg Cabot (How to Be Popular), Lauren Myracle (ttyl), and Michele Jaffe (Bad Kitty) take prom mishaps to a whole new level—a truly hellish level. Wardrobe malfunctions and two left …
Hostitel je sci-fi román od americké spisovatelky Stephenie Meyerové. Román popisuje vpád mimozemšťanů, tzv. duší, na planetu Zemi, kteří se zmocnili lidských těl – hostitelů. Kniha Hostitel nám popisuje život jedné takové duše, kdy se hostitelova mysl odmítá vzdát svého těla. Kniha vyšla 6. května 2008 s počátečním …