In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the landmark book Freakonomics comes this curated collection from the most readable economics blog in the universe. It’s the perfect solution for the millions of readers who love all things Freakonomics. Surprising and erudite, eloquent and witty, When to Rob a Bank …

The creators of the Freakonomics phenomenon unveil essential tools that will allow you to “think like a freak” and see the world more unconventionally and, ultimately, more clearly In their smash #1 international bestseller Freakonomics, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner showed the world that applying …

O livro Freakonomics - O lado oculto e inesperado de tudo que nos afeta é uma coletânea de estudos do economista Steven Levitt, Ph.D. pelo MIT, em parceria com o jornalista Stephen J. Dubner. A obra defende teses polêmicas, entre elas a de que a legalização do aborto seria a grande responsável pela redução das taxas …