Roma is a historical novel by American author Steven Saylor, first published by St. Martin's Press in 2007. The story follows two ancient Roman families, the Potitii and Pinarii, as members of successive generations bear witness to, as well as participate in, some of Rome's greatest historical events. The epic style …

Arms of Nemesis is a historical novel by American author Steven Saylor, first published by St. Martin's Press in 1992. It is the second book in his Roma Sub Rosa series of mystery novels set in the final decades of the Roman Republic. The main character is the Roman sleuth Gordianus the Finder.

Intrigues politiques et meurtres dans la Rome antiqueÀ la demande de Cicéron devenu consul, Gordien est chargé de surveiller Catilina, sénateur corrompu, populiste et démagogue soupçonné de comploter contre la République, de tramer des assassinats et de rêver de dictature. Plongé dans un monde glauque, Gordien tombe …

Embauché par une belle femme à la réputation scandaleuse pour enquêter sur la mort d'un philosophe, Gordien se retrouve impliqué dans une intrigue politique touchant aux plus hautes sphères du pouvoir romainUne glaciale soirée de janvier 56 avant notre ère. Un couple étrange se glisse dans les rues de Rome vers la …

A Murder on the Appian Way is a historical novel by American author Steven Saylor, first published by St. Martin's Press in 1996. It is the fifth book in his Roma Sub Rosa series of mystery novels set in the final decades of the Roman Republic. The main character is the Roman sleuth Gordianus the Finder.

Rubicon is a historical novel by American author Steven Saylor, first published by St. Martin's Press in 1999. It is the seventh book in his Roma Sub Rosa series of mystery stories set in the final decades of the Roman Republic. The main character is the Roman sleuth Gordianus the Finder.

The House of the Vestals is a collection of short stories by American author Steven Saylor, first published by St. Martin's Press in 1997. It is the sixth book in his Roma Sub Rosa series of mystery stories set in the final decades of the Roman Republic. The main character is the Roman sleuth Gordianus the Finder.