Horror - Ben Mears keert na 25 jaar terug naar zijn geboortestadje 'Salem's Lot'. Het boek is een klassieker in het oeuvre van Stephen King. Het is het tweede boek dat hij schreef en het dateert uit 1975. De energie en de huiveringwekkende spanning ervan zijn sindsdien maar zelden geëvenaard. Het boek is voorts …

Different Seasons is a collection of four Stephen King novellas with a more serious dramatic bent than the horror fiction for which King is famous. The four novellas are tied together via subtitles that relate to each of the four seasons. The collection is notable for having had three of its four novellas turned into …

Billy Summers is a killer for hire. He's among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet who can blend into any neighbourhood and vanish after the shot is taken. But he will only agree to the contract if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first he's offered one final job - an …