"Udu" on Stephen Kingi novell, mille alusel on tehtud ka samanimeline film. Teos on stiilipuhas õuduslugu, milles erakordselt tihedas udus tegutsevad näljasevõitu elukad. Esmakordselt ilmus jutt 1980. aastal õudujuttude kogumikus "Dark Forces". Mõnevõrra redigeeritud versioon ilmus 1985. aastal Kingi kogumikus …

The small town of Chester's Mill, Maine, is faced with a big dilemma when it is mysteriously sealed off by an invisible and completely impenetrable force field. With cars and airplanes exploding on contact, the force field has completely isolated the townspeople from the outside world. Now, Iraq war vet Dale Barbara …

Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse is an anthology of post-apocalyptic fiction published by Night Shade Books in January 2008, edited by John Joseph Adams. The anthology includes 22 stories, plus an introduction by the editor. According to the anthology's official web site, "Wastelands explores the scientific, …