Turnul întunecat: Pistolarul este un roman de aventuri, științifico-fantastic, de groază, fantezie scris de autorul american Stephen King. Este primul volum din seria The Dark Tower, serie considerată ca fiind lucrarea magnum opus a lui King. Romanul a fost publicat prima oară în 1982 la editura Grant. Personajul …

Roland continues his quest for the Dark Tower, but he is no longer alone. He has trained Eddie and Susannah—who entered Mid-World from their separate whens in New York City in The Drawing of the Three—in the old ways of the gunslingers. But their ka-tet is not yet complete. Another must be drawn from New York into …

The Drawing of the Three is the second book in The Dark Tower series of novels written by Stephen King and published by Grant in 1987. The series was inspired by Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came by Robert Browning. The story is a continuation of The Gunslinger and follows Roland of Gilead and his quest towards the …

Roland's pursuit of the elusive Man in Black across the endless Mohaine desert becomes even more treacherous when he is attacked by a ravenous pack of desert dogs and vampiric dust devils when he is at his weakest! It's a new chapter in the life of the last gunslinger of Gilead as he struggles to remain alive and …

The Dark Tower is the seventh novel in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, published by Grant on September 21, 2004, and illustrated by Michael Whelan. It has four subtitles: REPRODUCTION, REVELATION, REDEMPTION, and RESUMPTION - all but the second of these having been used as subtitles for previous novels in the series.

Wolves of the Calla is the fifth book in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. This book continues the story of Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, Susannah Dean, Jake Chambers, and Oy as they make their way toward the Dark Tower. The subtitle of this novel is Resistance. Prior to the novel's publication, two excerpts were …

Song of Susannah is the sixth novel in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Its subtitle is Reproduction.

Apocalipsa este un roman de groază științifico-fantastic postapocaliptic scris de autorul american Stephen King.

Strălucirea este un roman de groază din 1977 scris de autorul american Stephen King. Titlul a fost inspirat de melodia lui John Lennon Instant Karma!, care conține versul We all shine on…. Cartea a fost adaptată în 1997 într-o miniserie de televiziune cu același nume. În 1980 a fost produs un film de lung metraj cu …

Orașul bântuIT este un roman de groază scris de romancierul Stephen King, publicat pentru prima dată în 1986. Este una dintre cele mai lungi cărți ale sale, depășind o mie de pagini. Considerat unul dintre cele mai viscerale și grafice romane ale sale, "It" aduce în prim plan teme care vor reprezenta stilul …