Me kolme ja jengi on S. E. Hintonin vuonna 1967 julkaistu romaani, joka on tyyliltään raju jengikuvaus. Kirjan päähenkilö on rasvaletti Ponyboy sekä hänen veljensä Sodapop ja Darry sekä muu jengi, Two-Bit, Dally, Johnny ja Steve. Kirjan pohjalta on tehty elokuva, jonka nimi on Outsiders – kolmen jengi.

Olimme kuin veljet on S. E. Hintonin romaani vuodelta 1971. Siitä tehtiin vuonna 1985 elokuva Se oli silloin, nyt on toisin, jonka pääosassa näyttelee Emilio Estevez. Hän on myös elokuvan käsikirjoittaja.

Rumble Fish is a 1975 novel for young adults by S. E. Hinton, author of The Outsiders. It was adapted to film and directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1983.

Tex is a novel by S. E. Hinton, published in 1979. It was adapted to the film in 1982, which starred Matt Dillon. The book takes place in the same universe as Hinton's first book The Outsiders, but in a rural town called Garyville, Oklahoma, a fictional suburb of Tulsa. Tex and his older brother Mason live by …

Hawkes Harbor is a 2004 novel written by S. E. Hinton. Hinton wrote for an adult audience, though it retains the style for which she is known.

Taming the Star Runner is a young adult coming-of-age novel written by S. E. Hinton, author of The Outsiders. Unlike her previous young adult novels, this novel has not been made into a film yet.

Some Of Tim’s Stories is a novel written by S.E Hinton, author of the award-winning novel The Outsiders. Some of Tim’s Stories is a collection of 14 intertwined, short stories that explores the lives of two cousins-Mike and Terry. The title character, Tim, is a bartender and is also the author of these stories.

The Puppy Sister is a short juvenile novel written by S. E. Hinton and published in 1995. The story revolves around Aleasha, a tricolor Australian Shepherd puppy who realises that the only way to really feel like a member of her new family is to become human. Aleasha begins a gradual, physical transformation from …