Legion of the Damned is the first in a series of fourteen World War II novels written by Sven Hassel. The book covers a chronological period of a number of years, starting with the protagonist's arrest and time in German concentration camps, and ending with his being an officer and company commander on the Russian …

SS General is a novel by the Danish writer Sven Hassel. It was first published in 1960 and has been translated in many languages. Written in the first person, SS-General is based on the adventures of a group of German penal battalion soldiers in the Battle of Stalingrad. The book describes their escape from the …

En lysande beskrivning av kriget” - skrev Miroir de l'Histoire, Frankrike Generalstaben påstår att vintern har överraskat oss, men ryssarna har länge vetat att den skulle komma. Tyska armén saknar nästan allt för ett vinterkrig. Tvåtusen steg är en kilometer och det är 140 kilometer kvar till Moskva. I och för sig …