Boy O'Boy is a 2003 novel by Brian Doyle. It was named Book of the Year for Children by the Canadian Library Association. Martin O'Boy, nicknamed Boy O’Boy, is the young narrator of this story set the summer of 1945. Martin reflects on the ups and downs of his family and neighbours, news from World War II and the …

Everyone in the Underland has been taking great pains to keep The Prophecy of Time from Gregor. Now, with an army of rats approaching, and his mum and sister still in Regalia, Gregor the warrior must gather up his courage to help defend Regalia and get his family home safely.

Zaćmienie – to trzecia część serii Zmierzchu autorstwa Stephenie Meyer. Opowiada ciąg dalszy przygód osiemnastoletniej Belli Swan i jej ukochanego wampira, Edwarda Cullena. Została wydana w Polsce 18 kwietnia 2008. W pierwszym dniu w Stanach Zjednoczonych sprzedano ponad 150 tys. egzemplarzy Zaćmienia.