Под стеклянным колпаком — роман американской писательницы и поэтессы Сильвии Плат, опубликованный в Великобритании в 1963 году — первоначально под псевдонимом Виктория Лукас. Через несколько месяцев после выхода этого во многом автобиографического произведения, повествовавшего о событиях лета 1953 года, Плат покончила …

The Colossus and Other Poems is a poetry collection by American poet Sylvia Plath, first published by William Heinemann, in 1960.

Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams is a collection of short stories by Sylvia Plath. It was posthumously published in 1977 as a collection of thirteen short stories, including the title story. As more of Plath's work was unearthed down the years, a second edition was published with many new stories. The second …

Letters Home is a collection of letters written by Sylvia Plath to her family between her years at college, in 1950, and her death at age 30. Sylvia's mother, Aurelia Schober Plath, edited the letters and agreed to have the collection published by Harper & Row in 1975. Letters Home contains an introduction by …

Crossing the Water is a 1971 posthumous collection of poetry by Sylvia Plath that was prepared for publication by Ted Hughes. These are transitional poems that were written along with the poems that appear in her poetic opus, Ariel. The collection was published in the UK by Faber & Faber and in the USA by Harper …