Les Aku-Aku, ou Aku Aku, sont des êtres surnaturels dans la culture des Rapanui de l'Île de Pâques. Ce sont des sortes d'esprits gardiens des personnes. L'Aku-Aku d'un individu reste invisible mais l'accompagne et le protège pendant sa vie. Les Aku-Aku ont été évoqués par l'anthropologue norvégien Thor Heyerdahl dans …

Ra is the story of Heyerdahl's voyage from North Africa to South America in a 45 ft papyrus boat modelled on those depicted in the pharoah's wall paintings. A violent storm ended the first expedition but within a year the seven men had embarked on their second journey in Ra II.

Fatu-Hiva - Back to Nature is a book published in 1974 by archaeologist and explorer Thor Heyerdahl detailing his experiences and reflections during a one-and-a-half-year stay on the Marquesan island of Fatu Hiva in 1937-38. The book was based on Heyerdahl's original report Paa Jakt efter Paradiset, which was …