《永恆之王》, 是英國作家特倫斯·韓伯瑞·懷特在1958年出版的一本關於亞瑟王的幻想小說。是懷特在1938年到1941年的作品的合集。本書的主題是人對於正義和人性的考慮的探索,當男孩亞瑟成為國王,並試圖平息「強權即公理」在騎士中的的普遍現象。但是最終騎士團還是功虧一簣,因為他還是使用武力來維持騎士團的正義。 …

The Book of Merlyn is an Arthurian fantasy book written by T. H. White. It is the conclusion of The Once and Future King, but it was published separately and posthumously.

《永恆之王》, 是英國作家特倫斯·韓伯瑞·懷特在1958年出版的一本關於亞瑟王的幻想小說。是懷特在1938年到1941年的作品的合集。本書的主題是人對於正義和人性的考慮的探索,當男孩亞瑟成為國王,並試圖平息「強權即公理」在騎士中的的普遍現象。但是最終騎士團還是功虧一簣,因為他還是使用武力來維持騎士團的正義。 …

Mistress Masham's Repose is a novel by T. H. White that describes the adventures of a girl who discovers a group of Lilliputians, a race of tiny people from Jonathan Swift's satirical classic Gulliver's Travels. The story is set in Northamptonshire, England, just after the Second World War; in one chapter Maria plays …

The predecessor to Helen Macdonald s "H Is for Hawk," T. H. White s nature-writing classic, "The Goshawk," asks the age-old question: What is it that binds human beings to other animals? White, author of "The Once and Future King" and "Mistress Masham s Repose," was a young writer who found himself rifling through old …

Darkness at Pemberly was first published in England in 1932, at which time it received excellent reviews. It successfully combined two important story trends of the period: an intellectual puzzle (one of the more ingenious locked-room puzzles of the decade) and an action plot that any of the major mystery story …