Black: The Birth of Evil is a novel written by author Ted Dekker. It is the first book in the Circle Series, and is a part of the Books of History Chronicles.

Red: The Heroic Rescue is a novel by Christian author Ted Dekker. It is the second book in the Circle Series, and is a part of the Books of History Chronicles.

White: The Great Pursuit is a novel by Christian author Ted Dekker. It is the third book of four in the Circle series.

BoneMan’s Daughters is a 2009 suspense thriller novel by Ted Dekker. It was a New York Times bestselling novel for 2009. It was listed on the New York Times bestselling E-Book list for November 2011.

Blink is a 2003 novel by Christian author Ted Dekker. It was re-released in November 2007 under the title Blink of an Eye, featuring new content and a more expedient storyline. It follows two main characters from a 3rd person perspective. Blink is set in the modern-day United States and in the Middle East, and …

Saint is a 2008 mystery novel written by Ted Dekker. It is the second in the series of the 'Project Showdown' Books which are also called 'The Paradise Novels'.

Skin is a contemporary Christian fiction science fiction/horror novel released in April 2007 by Ted Dekker. Dekker's novel, Skin was published by Thomas Nelson with the purpose to connect the Circle Trilogy, the Project Showdown books, and an upcoming series of books. Tagline: Don't trust your eyes, at all.