Kočka na rozpálené plechové střeše je divadelní hra Tennesseeho Williamse z roku 1955. Hra byla oceněna Pulitzerovou cenou, šlo už o druhé dílo, za které Williams získal Pulitzerovu cenu, první oceněnou hrou byla Tramvaj do stanice Touha. Psycholologické drama je komponováno podle pravidel aristotelské poetiky, má tři …
Not About Nightingales is a three-act play written by Tennessee Williams in 1938. The play itself focuses on a group of inmates who go on a hunger strike in attempt to better their situation. There is also a soft love story, with the characters Eva, the new secretary at the prison, and Jim, a handsome inmate who works …
Here are the eleven remarkable stories of Tennessee Williams's first volume of short fiction, originally published in 1948 and reissued as a paperbook in response to an increasingly insistent public demand. It was this book which established Williams as a short story writer of the same stature and interest he had …