image of Theodor Herzl

Theodor Herzl

... Unknown
... Unknown

Altneuland er en politisk utopisk roman fra 1902 skrevet af zionismens grundlægger Theodor Herzl. Bogen skitserer, hvorledes Herzl kunne forestille sig en jødisk stat i Palæstina kunne fungere. Den er blevet en af zionismens grundlæggende tekster. Den er oversat til jiddisch af Israel Isidor Elyashev, men ikke til …

... Unknown

Secular Humanistic Judaism has existed as an alternative in Jewish life for over 100 years. for most of its history, it was an informal option, with a wide variety of movements: Zionism, Yiddish nationalism and Bundism. They created Jewish schools, reading circles and cultural associations. In recent years, secular …