Cohen the Barbarian.He's been a legend in his own lifetime.He can remember the good old days of high adventure, when being a Hero meant one didn't have to worry about aching backs and lawyers and civilization.But these days, he can't always remember just where he put his teeth...So now, with his ancient (yet still …

This is how the Discworld began. Here is the sapient pearwood Luggage, a mobile trunk which launders any clothes put in it and incidentally homicidally defends its owner. Here is Twoflower, an innocent tourist in a world of nightmares and fairy tales

Viies elevant on on Terry Pratchetti 24. Kettamaailma romaan ja viies romaan, mis räägib Ankh-Morpoki Linnavahtkonnast. Raamatus tutvustatakse esmakordselt klakse, ehk Kettal sidepidamiseks kasutatavat semafoori süsteemi.

The Discworld Mapp is an atlas that contains a large, fold out map of the Discworld fictional world, drawn by Stephen Player to the directions of Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs. It also contains a short booklet relating the adventures and explorers of the Disc and their discoveries. It was originally conceived as …