Suddenly, condemned arch-swindler Moist von Lipwig found himself with a noose around his neck and dropping through a trapdoor into ... a government job?By all rights, Moist should be meeting his maker rather than being offered a position as Postmaster by Lord Vetinari, supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork. Getting the …

Guards! Guards! - The Play is a book published in 1997 that was written by Stephen Briggs and Terry Pratchett.

Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless -- and oddly familiar -- universe, but the Hogfather is one of them. Yet here it is, Hogswatchnight, that most joyous and acquisitive of times, and the jolly old, red-suited gift-giver has vanished …

Imagini mișcătoare este titlul celui de-al zecelea roman al seriei lui Terry Pratchett Lumea Disc. Acțiunea cărții se petrece în cel mai faimos oraș al Lumii Disc, Ankh-Morpork, și într-un orășel numit "Holy Wood". Este primul roman al Lumii Disc în care apare Mustrum Ridcully, Arhicancelarul Universității …