Magins färg är en bok skriven av Terry Pratchett. Den handlar om Rensvind och Bagaget och utspelar sig till en del på det Osynliga Universitetet. Rensvind råkar bli en guide till Skivvärldens första turist Tvåblomster, och tillsammans måste de fly från Ankh-Morpork på grund av att de har startat en brand, och börjar …

Pub Date: 2014-10-28 Pages: 384 Language: English Publisher: Anchor Books NATIONAL BESTSELLER Steam is rising over Discworld Mister Simnel has produced a great clanging monster of a machine that harnesses the power of all the elements--.... earth. air. fire. and water -. and its soon drawing astonished crowds To the …

Going Postal is Terry Pratchett's 33rd Discworld novel, released in the United Kingdom on 25 September 2004. Unlike most of Pratchett's Discworld novels, Going Postal is divided into chapters, a feature previously seen only in Pratchett's children's books and the Science of Discworld series. These chapters begin with …

Guards! Guards! - The Play is a book published in 1997 that was written by Stephen Briggs and Terry Pratchett.