Těžké melodično je humoristická fantasy kniha Terryho Pratchetta, šestnáctá ze série Zeměplocha. V angličtině byla poprvé vydána v roce 1994 s obalem kresleným Joshem Kirbym, český překlad Jana Kantůrka vyšel v roce 1998.
The Art of Discworld is a descriptive book of the world of the Discworld as portrayed in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. It showcases the art of Paul Kidby with descriptions of characters and locations by Pratchett and some details of the development of the art by Kidby himself. The book details most major lead …
The Discworld Almanak is a spin-off book from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, in a similar format to the Diaries and Nanny Ogg's Cookbook. It was written by Pratchett and Bernard Pearson and published in 2004. The book takes the form of an almanac for the Discworld Year of the Prawn, and offers astrological …