image of Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

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Poslední hrdina je humoristická fantasy kniha Terryho Pratchetta, 27. ze série Zeměplocha. Kniha je v rámci zeměplošské série unikátní tím, že nevyšla jen jako paperback, nýbrž vázaná a bohatě ilustrovaná Paulem Kidbym. V České republice vyšla dokonce jen ilustrovaná verze knihy.

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Poslední kontinent je humoristický fantasy román anglického spisovatele Terry Pratchetta, 22. v cyklu Zeměplocha.

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Pravda je humoristická fantasy kniha Terryho Pratchetta, 25. ze série Zeměplocha.

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The Discworld Companion is an encyclopaedia of the Discworld fictional universe created by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs. The book compiles a precise definition of words, lives of historical people, geography of places and events that have appeared in at least one Discworld novel, map, diary, non-fiction book and …

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This is how the Discworld began. Here is the sapient pearwood Luggage, a mobile trunk which launders any clothes put in it and incidentally homicidally defends its owner. Here is Twoflower, an innocent tourist in a world of nightmares and fairy tales

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Pyramidy jsou humoristická fantasy kniha Terryho Pratchetta, sedmá ze série Zeměplocha.

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Pub Date: 2014-10-28 Pages: 384 Language: English Publisher: Anchor Books NATIONAL BESTSELLER Steam is rising over Discworld Mister Simnel has produced a great clanging monster of a machine that harnesses the power of all the elements--.... earth. air. fire. and water -. and its soon drawing astonished crowds To the …

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