Kuzuların Sessizliği Thomas Harris tarafından yazılmış bir romandır. 1988'de yayımlanan çalışma 1981 tarihli Kızıl Ejder'in ardılıdır. Kuzuların Sessizliği'nin aynı adlı bir film uyarlaması bulunmaktadır.

You remember Hannibal Lecter: gentleman, genius, cannibal. Seven years have passed since Dr. Lecter escaped from custody. And for seven years he's been at large, free to savor the scents, the essences, of an unguarded world. But intruders have entered Dr. Lecter's world, piercing his new identity, sensing the evil …

Black Sunday is a 1975 novel by Thomas Harris. It was the first novel by Harris, and achieved only moderate success until it was sold to Hollywood. The novel is a thriller about a plot by terrorists to commit mass murder during the Super Bowl in New Orleans, and law enforcement efforts to stop them. Harris wrote the …