Not Wanted on the Voyage is a novel by Canadian author Timothy Findley, which presents a magic realist post-modern re-telling of the Great Flood in the biblical Book of Genesis. It was first published by Viking Canada in the autumn of 1984. The novel has also been adapted for the stage by D. D. Kugler and Richard Rose.

«Пилигрим» — роман канадского писателя Тимоти Финдли. Впервые опубликован в Канаде издательством HarperFlamingo в 1999 году. Первое американское издание было выпущено HarperCollins в 2000 …

The Wars is a 1977 novel by Timothy Findley that tells the story of a young Canadian officer in World War I. Nineteen-year-old Robert Ross tries to escape both his grief over his sister's death and the social norms of oppressive Victorian upper-class society by enlisting in the Great War. He is quickly drawn into the …

As the story opens, Lily, the heroine of Timothy Findley's Victorian-Gothic-style novel as seen through the narrative of her son Charlie, is ending her days in an asylum; her life unfolds as a Dickensian tale of deprivation and struggle between the feminine and the coldly masculine, leading to that "madwoman in the …

Famous Last Words is a 1981 novel by Canadian author Timothy Findley, in which Hugh Selwyn Mauberley is the main character. In the book Findley poses a few ideas involving the flight of Rudolf Hess into Scotland.

Headhunter is a novel by Timothy Findley. It was first published by HarperCollins in 1993.

«Если копнуть поглубже» — последний роман Тимоти Финдли, известного канадского писателя и драматурга — посвящён канадскому городу Стратфорду и Стратфордскому шекспировскому театральному фестивалю, его актёрам и перипетиям событий между ними. Автор сам не раз принимал участие в фестивале и как организатор, и как актёр, …

The Last of the Crazy People is the first novel of Canadian author Timothy Findley. It was published in 1967, in Britain, and later on in Canada, and was one of the first novels ever to be labelled as Southern Ontario Gothic. The novel tells the story of a well-to-do Ontarian family in the 1960s, whose future becomes …