The Bear and the Dragon is a political thriller novel by Tom Clancy featuring Jack Ryan. It was published in 2000. The title refers to the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon.
Red Rabbit is a New York Times bestselling novel by Tom Clancy. It incorporates the 1981 plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II. The abridged book on CD released in 2002 was read by Dennis Boutsikaris. The unabridged book on CD released in 2002 was read by Derrick Hagon.
The Teeth of the Tiger is a thriller novel by Tom Clancy. Published on August 1, 2003, it is a part of the Jack Ryan universe, and follows the adventures of Jack Ryan, Jr., son of the original Jack Ryan, set in a post-9/11 world. It is also the reader's introduction to "the Campus," a fictional, privately-owned, …
Dead or Alive is a political thriller novel by Tom Clancy and co-authored by Grant Blackwood, featuring Jack Ryan. It was published on December 7, 2010, alongside the unabridged audio book version, read by Lou Diamond Phillips. It unites characters from Clancy’s fictional world, including Jack Ryan, his son Jack Ryan, …
『レッド・ストーム作戦発動』は1986年に発表された、アメリカの作家トム・クランシーとラリー・ボンドの共著による軍事シミュレーション小説。 東西冷戦時代のヨーロッパ及び大西洋を主な舞台としたNATO軍とワルシャワ条約機構軍の全面戦争が描かれている。超音速爆撃機による空母機動部隊への空襲、潜水艦による巡航ミサイル攻撃、当時まだ存在が公開されていなかったステルス攻撃機による奇襲攻撃、F-15発射のASATによる衛星攻撃など、核兵器を除く多様なハイテク兵器による現代戦の様子が緻密に描かれている。 …
Net force is a book written by Tom Clancy, the first part of series with the same title.
Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship is a non-fiction book written by Tom Clancy and defense systems analyst John D. Gresham. It explores the inner workings of two submarines, the USS Miami and HMS Triumph. Some editions of the book have a photo section in the middle; some have a special chapter on …