Patriot Games is a novel by Tom Clancy. It is chronologically the first book focusing on CIA analyst Jack Ryan, the main character in many of Clancy's novels. It is the indirect sequel to Without Remorse.

The CIA take on Colombian drug lords in Tom Clancy's fifth No 1 bestseller - now reissued with a new cover. Colombian drug lords, tired of being harassed by US law enforcement agents, have assassinated the American Ambassador and the visiting head of the FBI. Their message is clear: leave us alone. But they have …

Operatie Rode Storm is een boek van de Amerikaanse schrijvers Tom Clancy en Larry Bond over een Derde Wereldoorlog tussen de NAVO en het Warschaupact, die zich midden jaren 80 afspeelt. Het spelsoftwarebedrijf Ubisoft Red Storm is naar dit boek genoemd en mede door Clancy opgericht.

Peace may finally be at hand in the Middle East—as Deputy Director of the CIA Jack Ryan lays the groundwork for a peace plan that could end centuries of conflict. But ruthless terrorists have a final, desperate card to play: they have their hands on a nuclear weapon and have placed it on American soil in the midst of …

Jack Ryan risks all in the Soviet Union as the superpowers clash over Star Wars in Tom Clancy's acclaimed fourth international No 1 bestseller - now reissued with a new cover. The superpower arms negotiations appear to be making progress. But a US spy satellite reveals that the Soviets are building a massive …

Rainbow Six is een roman van Tom Clancy. Op dit boek is de gelijknamige videospellenreeks gebaseerd. Het boek kwam uit in 1998 en gaat over een fictieve antiterreureenheid genaamd Rainbow. In Nederland werd het boek ook uitgegeven onder de naam Uur van de Waarheid.

Tom Clancy goes to the White House in this thriller of political terror and global disaster. The American political situation takes a disturbing turn as the President, Congress, and Supreme Court are obliterated when a Japanese terrorist lands a 747 on the Capitol. Meanwhile the Iranians are unleashing an Ebola virus …

This harrowing #1 bestseller is an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness. Without mercy. Without guilt. Without remorse.

Debt of Honor is a thriller novel by Tom Clancy. It is a continuation of the series featuring his character Jack Ryan. In this installment, Ryan has become the National Security Advisor when the Japanese government goes to war with the United States. One of the sub-plots in this novel would later form part of the main …