Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers or Net Force Explorers is a series of young adult novels created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik as a spin-off of the military fiction series Tom Clancy's Net Force.
Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing is a nonfiction book written by Tom Clancy and John D. Gresham which explores the inner workings of the United States Air Force's 366th Fighter Wing based out of Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho. With an overview of the evolution of air power such as …
Every Man a Tiger is Tom Clancy's second book in his study of command series. It is partially a biography of General Chuck Horner, but mostly it is a study of the command decisions, preparations, and execution of air war of Operation Desert Storm. The book is mostly written by Tom Clancy with sections where he uses …
Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers or Net Force Explorers is a series of young adult novels created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik as a spin-off of the military fiction series Tom Clancy's Net Force.
Dead or Alive is a political thriller novel by Tom Clancy and co-authored by Grant Blackwood, featuring Jack Ryan. It was published on December 7, 2010, alongside the unabridged audio book version, read by Lou Diamond Phillips. It unites characters from Clancy’s fictional world, including Jack Ryan, his son Jack Ryan, …