image of Tom Robbins

Tom Robbins

... Unknown

Explores the art and world of a jeweler who incorporated images and material from popular culture in his work, published on the occasion of an exhibition and tour organized by the Tacoma Art Museum, which opened in Tacoma, Washington, September through November 1997. Includes a foreword by novelist

... Unknown

Une bien étrange attraction est le premier roman de Tom Robbins publié en 1971 qui lui permettra de lancer sa carrière d'écrivain avec plusieurs centaines de milliers d'exemplaires vendus. L'œuvre suit les aventures d'un couple de hippies, John Paul Ziller et sa femme Amanda,qui ouvrent un commerce alliant zoo et …

... Unknown

Villa Incognito is a novel by Tom Robbins published in 2003. The author opens the novel with the line, "It has been reported that Tanuki fell from the sky using his scrotum as a parachute.", as the reader is introduced to a Japanese ancestor spirit, named Tanuki, that is similar in appearance to a badger.