« Le 124 était habité de malveillance. Imprégné de la malédiction d’un bébé… » À Bluestone Road, près de Cincinnatti, vers 1870, les meubles volent, la lumière allume au sol des flaques de sang, des gâteaux sortent du four marqués de l’empreinte d’une petite main de bébé. Dix-huit ans après son acte de violence et …

Milkman Dead was born shortly after a neighborhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a vain attempt at flight. For the rest of his life he, too, will be trying to fly. With this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison transfigures the coming-of-age story as audaciously as Saul Bellow or Gabriel García …

En 1926, Joe Trace assassine sa jeune maîtresse Dorcus. En proie au désespoir et à la jalousie, Violette, la femme de Joe, se précipite à son tour sur la dépouille de sa rivale, dans le but de la tuer une seconde fois. Bouleversés par la violence et l’horreur de leurs gestes, les deux époux vont impitoyablement …

Paradise is a 1997 novel by Toni Morrison, and her first novel since winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993. According to the author, it completes a "trilogy" that begins with Beloved and includes Jazz. The book was chosen as an Oprah's Book Club selection January 1998. Morrison wanted to call the novel War but …

A Mercy is Toni Morrison's 9th novel. It was published in 2008. A Mercy reveals what lies beneath the surface of slavery in early America. It is both the story of mothers and daughters and the story of a primitive America. It made the New York Times Book Review list of "10 Best Books of 2008" as chosen by the paper's …

Ravishingly beautiful and emotionally incendiary, Tar Baby is Toni Morrison’s reinvention of the love story. Jadine Childs is a black fashion model with a white patron, a white boyfriend, and a coat made out of ninety perfect sealskins. Son is a black fugitive who embodies everything she loathes and desires. As …

May, Christine, Heed, Junior, Vida – et même L – sont des femmes obsédées par Bill Cosey. Cosey incarne leurs désirs de père, mari, amant, protecteur, ami, désirs qui dominent les vies de ces femmes bien après sa mort. A la fois le vide et le centre de leur histoire, puissant, charismatique, ombrageux, monstrueux, il …