Lucindan salaisuus on Holly Blackin ja Tony DiTerlizzin kirjoittama fantasiakirja, joka julkaistiin 1. lokakuuta 2003. Kirja on Spiderwickin kronikat -sarjan kolmas osa. Kirja julkaistiin Suomessa heinäkuussa 2004. Kirjan suomensi Ulla Lempinen ja sen julkaisi WSOY.

After returning home from their latest adventure, Mallory, Jared, and Simon find Mulgarath, an ogre and leader the goblins, has taken captive their mother along with Uncle Arthur's field guide.

Kenny & the Dragon is a 2008 children's novel by Tony DiTerlizzi. It is based on the story of The Reluctant Dragon. DiTerlizzi named the two protagonists Kenneth and Grahame, after the original story's author Kenneth Grahame. He also includes references to Grahame's other famous work, The Wind in the Willows.

The Search for WondLa is a children's science fiction fantasy novel by Tony DiTerlizzi published in 2010. It is the first book of the WondLa series. The website dedicated to the book has an innovative section which interacts with the book's illustrations via webcam.