《冷血》是美国当代文学经典,亦是极重要的分水岭,入选二十世纪最伟大文学之林。本书由美国作家杜鲁门·卡波特于1966年出版的小说,小说详述了1959年一起凶杀案。位于堪萨斯州霍尔库姆的农人赫伯特·克拉特一家惨遭灭门。卡波提获悉此事后,与好友作家哈波·李决定一同前往当地进行调查。他们访问了当地居民与该案的调查人员,摘记了上千页的纪录。凶手狄克与贝利在犯案后不久被逮捕,卡波提随后以六年光阴著成此书。《冷血》被公认是非虚构小说鼻祖及新新闻主义先驱,同时也成了卡波提的经典代表作之一。 …


Truman Capote’s first novel is a story of almost supernatural intensity and inventiveness, an audacious foray into the mind of a sensitive boy as he seeks out the grown-up enigmas of love and death in the ghostly landscape of the deep South.At the age of twelve, Joel Knox is summoned to meet the father who abandoned …

In these gems of reportage Truman Capote takes true stories and real people and renders them with the stylistic brio we expect from great fiction. Here we encounter an exquisitely preserved Creole aristocrat sipping absinthe in her Martinique salon; an enigmatic killer who sends his victims announcements of their …

The Grass Harp is a novel by Truman Capote published on October 1, 1951 It tells the story of an orphaned boy and two elderly ladies who observe life from a tree. They eventually leave their temporary retreat to make amends with each other and other members of society.

Thought to be lost for over 50 years, here is the first novel by one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Set in New York during the summer of 1945, this is the story of a young carefree socialite, Grady, who must make serious decisions about the romance she is dangerously pursuing and the effect it …

Although Truman Capote’s last, unfinished novel offers a devastating group portrait of the high and low society of his time. Tracing the career of a writer of uncertain parentage and omnivorous erotic tastes, Answered Prayers careens from a louche bar in Tangiers to a banquette at La Côte Basque, from literary salons …