The Grass Harp is a novel by Truman Capote published on October 1, 1951 It tells the story of an orphaned boy and two elderly ladies who observe life from a tree. They eventually leave their temporary retreat to make amends with each other and other members of society.
La Traversée de l'été est un roman de Truman Capote, publié en 2005. Premier roman écrit dans les années 1940 et resté inédit du vivant de l'auteur, il est publié à titre posthume, en 2005, par Random House aux États-Unis. La traduction française, signée par Gabrielle Rolin, est publiée en France par Grasset en …
Truman Capote’s first novel is a story of almost supernatural intensity and inventiveness, an audacious foray into the mind of a sensitive boy as he seeks out the grown-up enigmas of love and death in the ghostly landscape of the deep South.At the age of twelve, Joel Knox is summoned to meet the father who abandoned …