image of Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco

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Baudolino je čtvrtý román Umberta Eca. Hlavní hrdina Baudolino, rodák z italské Alessandrie, v roce 1204 v Konstantinopoli vypráví byzantskému historikovi Niketovi svůj příběh od okamžiku, kdy si ho k sobě v roce 1155 vzal císař Fridrich I. Barbarossa.

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The Infinity of Lists is a book by Umberto Eco on the topic of lists ISBN 978-0847832965. The title of the original Italian edition was La Vertigine della Lista ISBN 978-8845263453. It was produced in collaboration with the Louvre. The examples of lists in the work range from Hesiod's list of the progeny of gods to …

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A posthumous collection of essays about the modern world from one of Europe's greatest, and best-selling, literary figures Umberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. In this, his last collection, the celebrated essayist and novelist observes the changing world around him with irrepressible curiosity and …