Spanning twenty-five years, this historic collection of writings shows Vaclav Havel's evolution from a modestly known playwright who had the courage to advise and criticize Czechoslovakia's leaders to a newly elected president whose first address to his fellow citizens begins, "I assume you did not propose me for this …

Letters to Olga is a book of compiled letters written by Czech playwright, dissident, and future president, Václav Havel to his wife Olga Havlová during his nearly four-year imprisonment from May 1979 to March 1983. Havel was imprisoned by the communist regime of then Czechoslovakia for being one of the leaders of The …

Largo Desoloto, Václav Havel'in 1984’te yazdığı yarı-otobiyografik tiyatro oyunudur. "Barış karşıtı entelektüel eylemlerde bulunmak" iddiasıyla yönetim tarafından izlenen bir aydının yazdığı bir yazı nedeniyle, sistemin farklı katmanlarından baskılara maruz kalması ve bu baskı sonucu sağlıklı düşünüp hareket edebilme …