Before his birth, omens foretold that Alexander, son of the warrior-king Philip of Macedonia, was destined for greatness. From boyhood, the prince was trained by the finest scholars and mightiest soldiers to attain extraordinary strength of body and spirit. A descendant of Heracles and Achilles, Alexander aimed to …

The Last Legion is a novel by the Italian author Valerio Massimo Manfredi. It was first published in 2002.

Spartan is a historical fiction novel written by the Italian writer Valerio Massimo Manfredi in 1988. It tells the enchanting tale of two Spartan brothers: Brithos, the elder of the two, a strong and healthy boy and Talos, a crippled and weak. Because of the rigorous Spartan laws, Talos must be sacrificed to the …

Plongée au coeur de l'action sur les champs de bataille de l'Antiquité, l'Armée des Dix Mille de Manfredi entraîne le lecteur dans un tourbillon de complots, de violence et de passions. Ve siècle avant J.-C. Un vent furieux souffle sur un petit village de Syrie. Abira, maîtresse de Xénophon, général du prince perse …