Before his birth, omens foretold that Alexander, son of the warrior-king Philip of Macedonia, was destined for greatness. From boyhood, the prince was trained by the finest scholars and mightiest soldiers to attain extraordinary strength of body and spirit. A descendant of Heracles and Achilles, Alexander aimed to …

The Last Legion is a novel by the Italian author Valerio Massimo Manfredi. It was first published in 2002.

Alexander de Grote Het epos van een legendarische held De Italiaanse auteur en historicus Valerio Massimo Manfredi schreef een groots opgezette roman over het leven van Alexander de Grote. De roman bestaat uit drie delen: De zoon van de droom, Het zand van Amon en De grens van de wereld. Alexander de Grote: koning, …

From the pen of the international bestselling author of The Last Legion comes a new political thriller set during the tempestuous final days of Julius Caesar's Imperial Rome. It is March in the year 44 BC. The Roman Empire stretches from modern-day Syria in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Gaius Julius …