Aeneid adalah wiracarita Latin yang ditulis oleh Vergilius dari tahun 29 sampai 19 SM. Wiracarita ini menceritakan tentang kisah legendaris Aineias, seorang pahlawan Troya yang bermigrasi ke Italia dan menajdi leluhu orang Romawi kuno. Wiracarita ini berisi sekitar 10,000 baris dalam bentuk heksameter daktilik dan …

The Eclogues, also called the Bucolics, is the first of the three major works of the Latin poet Virgil.

The Georgics is a poem in four books, likely published in 29 BC. It is the second major work by the Latin poet Virgil, following his Eclogues and preceding the Aeneid. It is a poem that draws on many prior sources and influenced many later authors from antiquity to the present. As the name suggests the subject of the …