Sylvester and the Magic Pebble is a children's picture book written and illustrated by William Steig. It won him the Caldecott Medal, his first of many Caldecott and Newbery Medal honors. It tells the tale of Sylvester, a donkey from the fictional community of Oatsdale, who collects pebbles "of unusual shape and …
Abel's Island is a children's novel written and illustrated by William Steig. It won a Newbery Honor. It was published by Collin Publishers, Toronto, Canada in 1976. It is a survival story of a mouse stranded on an island.
Doctor De Soto is a picture book for children written and illustrated by William Steig and first published in 1982. It features a mouse-dentist who must help a fox with a toothache without being eaten. Steig and his book won the 1983 National Book Award for Children's Books in category Picture Books, Hardcover, as did …
Shrek! je obrázková kniha z roku 1990 napsaná a ilustrovaná Williamem Steigem. Kniha pojednává o mladém zlobrovi, který nalezne zlobřici svých snů poté, co se vydá do světa. Jméno "Shrek" pochází z výrazu "schreck/shreck" z němčiny a jidiš, který znamená "strach, teror". Kniha posloužila jako námět k filmové sérii …
The Amazing Bone is a 32-page picture book by William Steig from 1976. It was nominated for the Caldecott Medal in 1977; however, Leo & Diane Dillon's Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions won, so The Amazing Bone only received the Caldecott Honor Award. It was the first of Steig's few books in which the main …
CDB! is a children's book written and illustrated by William Steig, published in 1968 by Simon & Schuster. The book is a collection of pictures with captions written in code, with each letter in the caption standing for a word the letter's name sounds like. The title, CDB!, thus translates as "See The Bee!" The …