image of William Blake

William Blake

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Songs of Innocence and of Experience is een verzameling gedichten van de Engelse schrijver, dichter en graveur William Blake. Het behoort tot zijn populairdere werken omdat deze lyrische gedichten toegankelijker zijn dan zijn overige soms duistere en met mystiek en symboliek gevulde werken. De uiteindelijke bundel …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Cristo ensinou que o homem se salva pela fé e pela ética; Swedenborg acrescentou a inteligência; Blake nos impõe três caminhos de salvação: o moral; o intelectual e o estético. Afirmou que o terceiro havia sido pregado por Cristo, já que cada parábola é um poema. Como Buda, cuja doutrina, de fato, era ignorada, …

... Unknown

William Blake is one of England's most original artists whose works aim to liberate imaginative energies. This volume contains his greatest writings and a generous selection from the Prophetic Books including Milton and Jerusalem.

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This volume aims to present all Blake's verse, including scattered fragments and epigrams and also to provide as much annotation as is necessary to make the poetry accessible to the reader

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The major poetic and prose works of Blake are accompanied by his illuminations and selected criticism.