《蚊群》是威廉·福克納的第二部長篇小說,1927年發表。全書有六部分,包括《序言》、《尾聲》,中間由《第一天》、《第二天》、《第三天》、《第四天》組成。該書寫一次湖上出遊,眾人空談藝術、愛情和死亡,一對男女棄舟上岸後遇到蚊群叮咬,只得重回船上,寫法上模仿奧爾德斯·赫胥黎。這些作品展現出一些初級的實驗性技巧,採用封閉式寫法,人物的性格在書中得到了集中刻畫。 …

Pylon is a novel by the American author William Faulkner. Published in 1935, Pylon is set in New Valois, a fictionalized version of New Orleans. It is one of Faulkner's few novels set outside Yoknapatawpha County, his favorite fictional setting, based on Lafayette County, Mississippi. Pylon is the story of a group of …

The Mansion is a novel by the American author William Faulkner, published in 1959. It is the last in a trilogy of books about the fictional Snopes family of Mississippi, following The Hamlet and The Town. It charts the downfall of Flem Snopes at the hands of his relative Mink Snopes, in part aided by Flem's deaf …

《士兵的報酬》是威廉·福克納的第一部長篇小說,1926年出版。故事背景設定在第一次世界大戰前後,風格上靠近迷惘的一代文學,南方文學的特徵並不明顯。故事講述在英國皇家空軍服役的唐納德·馬洪頭部嚴重受傷而退役。回國後馬洪喪失了記憶並失明,在喬·吉利根和瑪格麗特·鮑爾斯的扶助下從紐約回到喬治亞州的家鄉。瑪格麗特的丈夫在戰爭中陣亡,愛上了重殘的馬洪,跟他回家。喬卻愛著瑪格麗特。回家後,馬洪當牧師的父親忽視兒子的悲劇。馬洪又遇到了另外兩個女人埃米和塞西莉。塞西莉已和馬洪訂婚,卻愛著喬治·法爾,同他私奔。馬洪因為和瑪格麗特一直在一起而遭到眾人懷疑。瑪格麗特與馬洪結婚,而喬一直在他們身邊陪伴。 …

The Mansion is a novel by the American author William Faulkner, published in 1959. It is the last in a trilogy of books about the fictional Snopes family of Mississippi, following The Hamlet and The Town. It charts the downfall of Flem Snopes at the hands of his relative Mink Snopes, in part aided by Flem's deaf …

This is the second volume of Faulkner's trilogy about the Snopes family, his symbol for the grasping, destructive element in the post-bellum South.Like its predecessor The Hamlet and its successor The Mansion, The Town is completely self-contained, but it gains resonance from being read with the other two. The story …