Abner Snopes is accused of burning Mr. Harris’s barn, and his son, Colonel Sartoris Snopes (“Sarty”) is convinced that the people of the court are his family’s enemies. Sarty fiercely aligns himself with his father, placing his loyalty to blood and kin above his faith in the justice system. “Barn Burning” is a prequel …

Absalão, Absalão! é um romance gótico sulista do escritor norte-americano William Faulkner publicado em 1936. O enredo do livro desenvolve-se durante e após a Guerra Civil Americana, narrando a história de Thomas Sutpen, um homem branco que ascende durante os tempos da escravidão e que busca tornar-se rico e construir …

The Mansion is a novel by the American author William Faulkner, published in 1959. It is the last in a trilogy of books about the fictional Snopes family of Mississippi, following The Hamlet and The Town. It charts the downfall of Flem Snopes at the hands of his relative Mink Snopes, in part aided by Flem's deaf …