Zero History is a novel by William Gibson published in 2010. It concludes the informal trilogy begun by Pattern Recognition and continued by Spook Country, and features the characters Hollis Henry and Milgrim from the latter novel as its protagonists.
Pattern Recognition is a novel by science fiction writer William Gibson published in 2003. Set in August and September 2002, the story follows Cayce Pollard, a 32-year-old marketing consultant who has a psychological sensitivity to corporate symbols. The action takes place in London, Tokyo, and Moscow as Cayce judges …
A Virtuálfény William Gibson 1993-ban megjelent cyberpunk regénye. A könyv a Híd-trilógia első kötete. Magyarul 1995-ben Szántai Zsolt fordításában jelent meg. Gibson új regénye egy Neurománc ciklusnál közelebbi jövőbe kalauzol minket. Ennek a világnak a lakói információfogyasztó polgárok, de nem lehetnek sem …