Virginia Woolf escreveu poucos contos, muitos deles meros esboços, exercícios, ensaios de escrita. Mas em alguns estão concentradas características de seus romances mais experimentais: a rejeição do realismo literário, o uso de técnicas narrativas pouco ortodoxas, a experimentação com a estrutura e a sintaxe. Em …

This story of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s cocker spaniel, Flush, enchants right from the opening pages. Although Flush has adventures of his own with bullying dogs, horrid maids, and robbers, he also provides the reader with a glimpse into Browning’s life. Introduction by Trekkie Ritchie.

The story of a man’s life from a day in his childhood to the day of his death. “Jacob’s Room...comes as a tremendous surprise. The impossible has occurred. The style closely resembles that of Kew Gardens....The break with Night and Day and even with The Voyage Out is complete. A new type of fiction has swum into view” …