The State and Revolution, by Vladimir Lenin, describes the role of the State in society, the necessity of proletarian revolution, and the theoretic inadequacies of social democracy in achieving revolution to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. The State and Revolution is considered to be Lenin's most …

First published in early 1902, What Is to Be Done? remains a classic of Marxism on the building of the revolutionary party, which sets out the party's role as the organiser and director of the revolution. It was written as part of a conflict with the opportunism of the Economists, who emphasised 'bread and butter …

Imperialisme, Tahap Kapitalisme Tertinggi adalah buku karya Vladimir Lenin yang menjelaskan bahwa fungsi modal keuangan dalam penciptaan laba lewat kolonialisme wilayah merupakan tahap perkembangan kapitalisme terakhir yang menjamin laba sebesar-besarnya. Esai Lenin ini merupakan sintesis dari modifikasi dan …