image of Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov

Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov

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Guarda gli arlecchini! è un romanzo di Vladimir Nabokov del 1974, l'ultimo pubblicato prima della sua morte.

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Nabokov's Dozen a collection of 13 short stories by Vladimir Nabokov previously published in American magazines. All were later reprinted within The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov. Two stories, First Love and Mademoiselle O are also included in Speak, Memory.

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L'originale di Laura è l'ultimo e incompleto romanzo di Vladimir Nabokov, pubblicato postumo e incompleto a cura del figlio, nel 2009. Nabokov ci stava lavorando all'epoca della sua morte, nel 1977.

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The second in Library of America's three-volume collection of Vladimir Nabokov's novels, Novels 1955-1962 contains his most acclaimed and popular works. The short, often anthologized Pnin is included, as is Pale Fire, Nabokov's most elaborate fictional joke: it's a novel masquerading as a 999-line poem accompanied by …

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A Russian Beauty and Other Stories is a collection of thirteen short stories by Vladimir Nabokov. All were written in Russian by Nabokov between 1923 and 1940 as an expatriate in Berlin, Paris, and other places in western Europe. They appeared individually in the Russian émigré press. Subsequently, they were …

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