Opiekun snu – powieść fantastyczno-naukowa amerykańskiej pisarki Vondy N. McIntyre. Powieść ukazała się w 1978 r., polskie wydanie, w tłumaczeniu Marzeny Guzowskiej, wydało Wydawnictwo Phantom Press w 1991 r. w serii Fantasy & SF. Powieść otrzymała nagrody Nebula w 1978 oraz Hugo i Locusa w 1979 r. Wydawnictwo …
The Crystal Star is a 1994 bestselling fictional Star Wars novel written by Vonda McIntyre and published by Bantam Spectra. The novel is set ten years after the Battle of Endor in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
The Moon and the Sun by Vonda N. McIntyre was published in 1997. The book combines two major genres: science fiction and historical romance. It won the Intergalactic Award for Best Novel in 1997 and has recently been chosen to be adapted into a film. The book also won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1997, beating …
The Entropy Effect is a novel by Vonda N. McIntyre set in the fictional Star Trek Universe. It was originally published in 1981 by Pocket Books and is the second in its long-running series of Star Trek novels. It is also the first source to give Sulu and Uhura first names later made canon, Hikaru and Nyota.
The Entropy Effect is a novel by Vonda N. McIntyre set in the fictional Star Trek Universe. It was originally published in 1981 by Pocket Books and is the second in its long-running series of Star Trek novels. It is also the first source to give Sulu and Uhura first names later made canon, Hikaru and Nyota.